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The FTC decided that online publishers need to disclose any hidden interests or unspoken biases to their readers when they publish product reviews and/or recommendations. As always, I want to be transparent and straightforward with you, so below is our FTC Disclosure which also includes our Product Review Policy.

We’ll provide a link to this disclosure in every future written product review and also provide a link in the video description of future YouTube video reviews for your reading pleasure.


Disclosure of Material Connection: Some of the links in my post & video descriptions are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my viewers/readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” These FTC guidelines are available online. (Specifically, §255.5: Disclosure of Material Connections.)

AMAZON and other affILiateD marketing companies 

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

For the convenience of our readers and viewers, we often provide Amazon links (and sometimes other retailer or company website product links) for the stuff we review and talk about in our articles & videos.  We do receive a small percentage. We make every attempt to find the best prices for products on Amazon and other websites that we link to, however, it is impossible to guarantee this. Eric personally uses Amazon for most of his hard-good purchases because of the low prices, credit card security, fast and often free shipping, and Amazon’s great return policy.  So he is excited to help others save as he does. When you choose to purchase ANYTHING on Amazon, through our links, we are greatly honored as you help us keep the lights on and encourage us to keep providing premium quality content on our website, YouTube and other social media outlets. We see it as a win, win for everyone. We hope you do to…


Some manufacturers will provide us with review units of their products. I will always verbally tell my viewers toward the beginning of the video if the product was proved by the manufacture. By providing these review units, they are not guaranteed a review or posting. If the product is terrible, we simply won't review it.  Upon request and manufacturers provided pre-paid postage, we will return the product to the company. Even with review units, I will provide my honest thoughts about the product. My thoughts and opinion of the product are my own. 

Product Review Policy 

  • Yes, most of our reviews are mostly positive aspects but we also talk about the bad. That’s because if we don’t like a product at all, we simply don’t review it. We think that there are enough products out there, that there’s no need to waste our time or the time of our readers or viewers on crappy products that we don’t like at all. 
  • We do buy most of the products for review, however, this can become fairly costly. So we do accept product samples from manufacturers, company representatives, or PR firms. We will always disclose this in our videos and site. 
  • Whether we review a product that is submitted to us or not, is at our sole discretion.
  • We make NO promises to manufacturers or their representatives to review their products or to review them favorably.
  • We try very hard to be fair and consistent in our reviews and ratings.
  • From time to time we may allow companies to run ads (sponsored)  However, we do not do sponsored reviews. (READ OUR ETHICAL STATEMENT)  We will acknowledge that it's an ad sponsor in some way within the context of the video and in the video description.  
  • From time to time we may allow companies the opportunity to sponsor giveaways and contests. But that will not guarantee any positive review or treatment.   We will mention the good and the bad things we come across no matter if we receive the product for free or if even they sponsor a giveaway or contest. 

Thank you for your trust!


*NOTE - ModernDayTech, ModernDayReviews, TrackThisNThat, and ModernDayFamilyMan is owned by Modern Day Film & Media, LLC

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