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At ModernDayTech, honesty and disclosure are paramount. Our ultimate goal is trust and fairness – to you, our viewers/readers, and to the manufacturers. This is why we do not accept paid sponsorships, showcases, placements, or any other term that creators, influencers, marketers, or media companies want to use to justify the transaction. However, ModernDayTech is also a small business with many expenses and a lot of time devoted, so we do engage in affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a win-win-win scenario for the consumer, creators, and manufacturer if the consumer buys and keeps a product. But if the product is returned, then all parties essentially lose. This is why we at ModernDayTech ensure that our affiliate marketing practices are transparent and properly disclosed according to the FTC

ModernDayTech receives (and buys) hundreds of products for review each year. In the process, items are tested thoroughly and either returned to the manufacturer (upon request & a prepaid label) or kept for long-term testing.

Accepting a product for testing is in no way a guarantee for a review, nevertheless a postive review, and ModernDayTech staff has a strict policy of objectivity, including identifying flaws and weaknesses as well as good points in every product.

In general, we only write/film about the products we actually like.

  • Yes, most of our reviews are not entirely negative. That’s because if we don’t like a product much, we simply don’t review it. We think that there are enough products out there, that there’s no need to waste our time or the time of our readers/viewers on crappy products that we don’t like. 
  • We do buy most of our own products for review, however, this can become fairly costly. So we do accept product samples from manufacturers, company representatives, retailers, or PR firms, and we most often keep samples whether we review the product that is sent or not.
  • Whether we review a product that is submitted to us or not, is at our sole discretion.
  • We make NO promises to manufacturers or their representatives to review their products or to review them favorably.
  • We try very hard to be fair and consistent in our reviews and ratings.
  • From time to time we may allow companies the opportunity to do a viewer/reader giveaways or contests.  But understand, there is no money exchange or other compensation as rewards are all sent to the winner.